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A Slow River Walk

23 March 2024
an image of a river reflections and plants

A Slow River Walk

World Water Weekend
‘A Slow River Walk’ led by artist Elinor Rivers as part of the art
project ‘Ordinary Gifts The River’
SATURDAY 23rd March 2-3.30pm

This walk aims to help us develop a greater sensitivity to the life and
nature of the Glen River through tuning into its waters.
We will perform a slow walk that weaves along the course of the river
while criss crossing the Glen’s many bridges. Along the way we will stop
and focus on the water through various sensory activities. For part of
the walk we will walk in silence and at another stage we will share river
memories and stories. The walk will end with a small Joy- full activity.
We will meet at the bridge below the zig zag path from the Ballyhooley
road car park at 2pm
Please wear weather proof clothes and footwear.
*Please note this particular activity is slow and focused so is not so
suitable for very lively younger (or older !) people.