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A photo of two girls painting silhoettes onto cardboard

Preparing for Seo Youth Festival

A photo of two girls painting silhoettes onto cardboard
painting ourselves into the sunset

We have been working with two groups of young people from the travelling community at Mayfield Youth Cafe.

Lately the boys have been doing some recycling by hammering jar lids to create jangly decorative chains – some of the chains have hidden codes in them that we have designed accroding to the colours of the lids.

The girls have been creating back drops of sunsets and silhouettes to show what we love about our skies in the Glen, and colourful collages  about biodiversity and folklore.

We have also made creatures that we love out of papier mache and painted them using a combination of realistic and fantasy colours.

hammering lids video

a photo of hammered lids on the grass
photo by Rachel Coffey

We are bringing some of our work to the Seo Youth Festival at The Marina Market on Saturday (25 May) where we will be setting up the Glen Camp in the Graffiti rooms.

We have also being playing games that our ancestors might have played and we will be sharing these at the Seo event too

A photo of a painted horseshoe flying through the air
photo by Brenda Stillwell

Thanks to The Local Creative Youth Partnership and Creative Ireland for funding this programme.

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