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two women dressed in beige clothes with their backs to us holding cupped hands in a green park

Gleann a' Phúca

Artist Propositions for Gleann a’ Phúca

Through the Valley she Runs

This mystical and dreamy performance explores the relationship between imagination and riverscape sensitively drawing attention to the Glen River as a source of life, healing and regeneration.

In a co-creative process with the river, the artists respond to the natural environment of the Glen, interweaving movement and sound in a meandering dance which follows the river, its energy and flow.

The work is informed by insights gained on river ecology and the impact of pollution on aquatic environments through a collaboration with aquatic ecologist Dr Neil Coughlan, School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, UCC.

Further, the artists are inspired by Irish Mythology which depicts rivers as goddesses characterised as purveyors of wisdom, poetry, mothers and healers, representing the eternal cycle of life and renewal.

‘Through the Valley She Runs’ explores how a practice of dance, sound and embodied awareness can create new ways of knowing and bring about perceptual transformation in how we relate to and connect with nature whereby imagination constitutes an opening of possibilities for a hopeful future for our planet.

Through the Valley She Runs is a UCC Creative initiative in collaboration with Gleann a’ Phúca, Dance Cork Firkin Crane and UCC Environmental Research Institute’

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Two women dancers wearing beige and waving blue silk are followed by an audeience in a park