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a photo of the Brigid's cross mandala

World Wetlands Day and Lá le Bríde

SUNDAY 4th February 2024
a photo of the Brigid's cross mandala
ivy berry, ivy leaf, gorse, bullrush, moss…Brigid’s mandala at eh well in the Glen

What an amazing celebratory World Wetlands Day and La le Bríde we had with Ordinary Gifts Water Rituals in The Glen with Elinor Rivers. We walked – we listened – we wove a web and felt it pull – we listened again – We tuned in to the electromagnetic field with divining rods – we felt the pull – we created a beautiful mandala for Brigid at the well and wove some crosses – it was magical. Everybody found they had the ability to feel the pulse of their chosen diving rod hazel switch or pendulum.

One participant spoke of the gift of divining  in his family, here’s what he had to say here and here and here

Below is a gallery of the day – please click on images to see them in full 🙂