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Gleann a' Phúca

gorse branch in front of sunrise

Miro Map ….journeys into the Glen

Miro Map
This interactive map is a work in progress - collected narratives with locations from Julie's Glen blog
a screenshot of website

Catchments Website

Water from source to sea.  shares science and stories about Ireland’s water catchments, and people’s connections to their water. The website

Púca Recipes

Gleann a'Phúca_Blackberry Ink
A screenshot of the rivers Trust Website

The Rivers Trust Website

The Rivers Trust is a UK organisation supporting river communities working with its member trusts to make a shared vision
Universal Rights of Rivers logo

Declaration for the Universal Rights of Rivers

See the Declaration for the Universal Rights of Rivers  
Synchonicity Earth website logo

Synchronity Earth Website

website link
Here is a useful page from Synchronity Earth about the Rights of Rivers