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a photo showing the OPW river level guage almost submerged

Storm Babet

Storm Babet: Tues 17-Weds 18 October 2023

Storm Babet rained in on Tuesday settling in on Wednesday, bringing 130mm of rain – the equivalent a month’s rain in 24 hours, nobody has seen the OPW water level guage so high

A photograph of water rushing under a bridge

A photograph of flooded woodsThe Glen river turned a rich chocolate brown and burst its banks across the park. Escaping water rushing so fast past the hatch that it opened a deep gouge, which, for a tiny window, revealed some Glen archaeology, including an old pillar, likely from the Engineer’s House, and other old cut stones.

A photograph showing the gouge in the footpath caused by the fast flowing river

a photograph of a council truck emptying stones inot a holeIt was dramatic and the trees held fast, Alders and willows surrounded by swirling waters as they rinsed and combed the Glen.

a picture of the swollen river with reeds

“Our climate has changed and continues to change. More extreme rainfall events are expected as warmer air holds more moisture, meaning flooding events will happen and will be more extreme. While we all work to cut our carbon emissions we also need to look at how we can adapt to the changing climate.

The National Flood Forecasting and Warning Service is in progress at stage one and we need this live with a national flood warning system made publicly available, so people in areas prone to flooding can be aware and alert for future events. We need to ensure people are more prepared for the next flooding because there is no doubt that we will see more of these rainfall events.”

Alan O’Reilly, weather enthusiast, reported on the aftermath  in the Irish Times (Sat 21 Oct)

a picture of analder tree in flood water

A photograph of a bench in flood water

A photograph of a drowned rat